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LOST GIRLS by Robert Kolker

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

LOST GIRLS by Robert Kolker *** - This novel focuses on the lives and families of the five victims of the Oak Beach serial killer. This story dealt with several factors. It is an unsolved crime, with victims who were all part of the sex worker industry, all parts of lower-income families. For these reasons, this crime was well-publicized - however, the lives of the victims were widely unknown. Kolker attempts to shine a light on these lives and show that they were more than simply their profession.

What I liked: I love a true crime story, especially one that has to do with serial killers and the sex worker industry. Not only does it fascinate me, but I appreciate that it shines a light on a lesser-known area of crime. The victims became unforgettable as their stories were revealed. I also loved the way this was written, the author did a fantastic job of inserting himself into the lives of these families and suspects so subtly and without disturbing the story. Great journalism!

What I didn’t love: I genuinely cannot stand unsolved mysteries. That isn’t the book’s fault or the author’s fault but it did make this a less satisfying book than I was hoping for (although it does tell you it is unsolved on the front cover, so no spoilers). I did have to do quite a bit of shifting back and forth to make sure I had the names of the victims and family members straight - lots of M names - again, nobody’s fault, just made it less of a cohesive read.

Overall - it was a great example of true crime journalism in a novel form and kept me interested until the end. I feel like I can’t give it four stars just because of the other books I’ve given four stars, it isn’t quite at that caliber in my mind.


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